

SIG is a middleware web service designed to provide IBE/OTA with a unified interface to the following functions of different GDS and local CRS.

  1. Fixed date shopping
  2. Flex date shopping
  3. Flight Availability
  4. Fare Availability
  5. Fare Rule Display
  6. Booking & Pricing
  7. Ticket Issue
  8. Different forms of payment: CASH, CC, CASH+CC
  9. Booking status & Repricing
  10. Booking Cancellation & Ticket Void
  11. Ticket status
  12. Schedule Display
  13. Fare Display

Currently SIG manages interfaces with the following systems:

  2. Amadeus
  3. Sabre
  4. Sirena-Travel
  5. SITA Gabriel
  6. Navitaire
  7. Biletix Distribution System (Charter Database)
  8. Aviacenter Distribution System (Charter Database)
  9. Galileo
  10. Mixvel

SIG is an execellent chance to IBE/OTA to avoid integration with many systems because it offers

  1. Quick new system links. As soon as organization tasks solved
  2. IBE/OTA developers do not need to know anything about GDS/CRS. All GDS/CRS technology concerns covered by SIG team.
  3. IBE/OTA developers do not need to speak Russian to deal with Russian systems
  4. No extra look/book invoices even for heavy loaded B2C projects.
  5. Comprehensive shopping engine able to find itineraries not offered by connected GDS/CRS shopping tools
  6. Smart price and availability caching tools

Currently SIG is being used by the following projects:,,,,, etc. These integrations work via SIG old API not available for new customers.

Now SIG team has been developing new SIG API, which was launched at 01.10.2012.

If you have questions, please address them to
  Commercial issues:
     Alexander Sizintsev

     Liliya Svistun

     Tatiana Kremneva

  Technical issues -
  Demo system issues -

WSDL & XSD. Demo, Test, Prod systems

SIG - is SOAP server. SIG team manages three systems:

WSDL contains the only method SIG_RequestSoap which wraps the actual XML request in sig:SIG_Request tag.

The XML requests and replies schemas available at SIG Demo server

See WSDL data types description and comments at

This is the simple request

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sig="">
             <SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                    <OriginDestination ODRef="1" To="mow" From="svx" Date="2013-03-10"/>
                    <OriginDestination ODRef="2" To="svx" From="mow" Date="2013-03-15"/>
                    <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>

Schema versions

Schema to be released soon, v.Test

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-9648: Запрос SIG API для справки Т

SIG-9878: Добавление параметра Penalty в запрос SIG_AirReShopRQ - 1M

Schema v16.145 included in SIG v6.07.04+ from 2024-08-14

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

SIG-9825: Попассажирная ревалидация - 1M

SIG-9723: Поиск PNR по рейсу и номеру документа - 1М

Schema v16.142 included in SIG v6.05.02+ from 2024-03-30

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-9579: Добровольный возврат после обмена. Зачет такс. - 1М

SIG-9464: Возврат - добавление в SIG форму оплаты штрафа за возврат - 1М

SIG-9702: Возврат - добавление в SIG форму оплаты штрафа за возврат (2 шаг)- 1М

SIG-9458: Выводить PAXID в SIG_AirBookRS - 1M

SIG-9512: Добавление атрибутов в SIG_AirBookRQ для Reissue Step1 (расчет обмена) - 1М

SIG-9513: Создание информационного сегмента через SIG API (для виртуального интерлайна) - 1М

SIG-9538: Дополнительные опции на ревалидации - 1М

Schema v16.141 included in SIG v6.04.02+ from 2023-11-30

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

SIG-9562: Три локатора в PNR (кодшеры, интерлайны) - 1М SIG-9632: Добавить возможность внесения Endorsement в SIG_AirBookRQ - 1M

Schema v16.140 included in SIG v6.04.00+ from 2023-10-15

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

SIG-9422: Зачет оплаченных такс со старого билета на новый. Доработки на AirBook и AirReshop с учетом ТЗ от ак - 1М

SIG-9357: Бронирование EXST - 1М

SIG-9437: Списание штрафа за обмен на EMD - 1М

SIG-9499: Продажа по франшизе - 1M

SIG-9556: Номер рейса оперирующего перевозчика в AirShop и AirReShop - 1М

Schema v16.138 included in SIG v6.03.16+ from 2023-08-01

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

SIG-9250: Попассажирный расчет скидки

Schema v16.137 included in SIG v6.03.05+ from 2023-03-15

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

and for option List the element shall contain list of taxes to exclude (for other options the list of taxes will be ignored)

Sample 1:

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
<OriginDestination ODRef="od0" From="ala" To="ssh" Date="2022-07-18"/>
<PaxType PTRef="pt0" AgeCat="ADT" PTC="" Count="1"/>
<ExcludeTaxes Exclude="List">YR YQ</ExcludeTaxes>

Sample 2:

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
<OriginDestination ODRef="od0" From="ala" To="ssh" Date="2022-07-18"/>
<PaxType PTRef="pt0" AgeCat="ADT" PTC="" Count="1"/>
<FarePref PrivateOnly="true"/>

Sample 3:

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination Date="2022-09-30+03:00" ODRef="1" From="DME" To="OVB">
                        <FlightPref RBD="O" FlightNumber="S72505"/>
                <OriginDestination Date="2022-10-10+03:00" ODRef="2" From="OVB" To="DME">
                        <FlightPref RBD="O" FlightNumber="S72502"/>
                <PaxType PTRef="adt0" AgeCat="ADT" Count="1"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="S7" byFareBrands="all"/>
                <Discount Amount="6" Designator="AD06" OnDiscount="true"/>

Sample 4:

   <SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="vip_u6">
      <SelectedShopOption SessionID="2210281811566106710" OptionRef="1">
         <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="0"/>
            <Passenger PaxRef="pr0" Title="MR" LastName="SHARIPOV" FirstName="KARIMZHON" AgeType="ADT" PTC="" DOB="1982-01-02" DocType="NP" DocCountry="TJ" DocNumber="401737314" DocExpiration="2027-10-11"/>
            <Contact ContactRef="bae" TypeOfContact="Email"></Contact>
            <Contact ContactRef="bam" TypeOfContact="Mobile phone">79532900551</Contact>
      <PriceItinerary Options="SomeExtraOption"/>

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-8706: Поддержать работу с новым запросом карты мест для пассажира SciGetPAXSeatMap2

SIG-9077: Обрабатывать новую опцию ИТ/WT на тарификации обмена

SIG-9078: Расчет только PRIVATE-тарифов - 1М (S7)

SIG-9156: Скидка от скидки. Добавить возможность обработки такого признака в SIG API

SIG-9067: Обмен с понижением (с возвратом такс)

SIG-9204: Новый флаг на тарификации - 1М

SIG-9338: Детализация расчета в ответе на SIG_AirReshop

Schema v16.132 included in SIG v6.02.16+ from 2022-08-25

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

Sample 1:

<sig:SIG_AirServicesRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="22062909125273">
<sig:PaxType AgeCat="ADT" FFPLevel="Gold" SSRList="VGML HTML"/>

Sample 2

<sig:SIG_AirServicesRQ CustomerID="TestUser" >
<sig:PaxType AgeCat="ADT" SSRList="VGML" Count="1" PTRef="1"/>
<sig:Itinerary CRS="A4" ValidatingCarrier="A4" FormOwner="" Currency="RUB">
<sig:Flight Airline="A4" FlightNumber="202" Class="Э" SegmentNumber="1">
<sig:Departure Airport="МОВ" Time="2022-07-16T12:10:00"/>
<sig:Arrival Airport="РОВ" Time="2022-07-16T00:10:00"/>
<sig:FareInfo PTRef="1" FareBasis="OWRTMDD"/>

Sample 3:

<sig:SIG_AirServicesRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="22062909125273">
<sig:PaxType AgeCat="ADT" FFPLevel="Gold" SSRList="VGML HTML"/>
<Parameters AccountCode="Abcdef"/>

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-8993: Список услуг без PNR

SIG-9038: Список услуг - добавить возможность внесения аккаунт-кода в запрос

Schema v16.131 included in SIG v6.02.13+ from 2022-07-28

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:


<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="L19PU4/A4"/>
                        <OSI OsiRef="21" FlightRef="seg7" PaxRefs="pax4">TESTTEST2</OSI>

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-9052: Привязка OSI к пассажиру

Schema v16.130 included in SIG v6.02.12+ from 2022-07-18

See WSDL data types description and comments at

Changes list:

Connected jira tasks:

SIG-9008: Forcebooking - дополнительный флаг при бронировании

Schema v16.129 included in SIG v6.02.11+ from 2022-06-23

See WSDL data types description and comments at

SIG-8999: Выводить в SIG API признак группы при чтении группового заказа

SIG-8917: Комби-оплата при обмене

SIG-8979: Новая ФОП - SV в 1М (S7)

SIG-8900: Добавление FareBasis в ответ SIG_AirShopRS для меты

SIG-8836: Передача курсов валют в SIG_AirBook

SIG-8946: Выводить информацию о бренде в TicketInfo

SIG-5939: Продажа по ВПД в С23

SIG-8741: Переход на новый вызов SciGetPNRServices при запросе списка услуг под бронь - 1М

SIG-8825: Новая ФОП - IN - 1M (S7)

Business cases

New Booking from shopping

Fare search

Use request SIG_AirShopRQ to search few best variants flight+price for desired trip - city pairs and departure dates are mandatory. The service will return SIG_AirShopRS sructure with list of best recommendations. Each recommendation has price and set of available flights for every segment of itinerary. The reply will contain SessionID which has to be included in all subsequent requests.

Fare selection (optional)

You can choose the recommendation using request SIG_AirShopRQ with subrequest SelectedShopOption - it will be stored within session, thus you'll be able to use it later.

Create PNR

Use subrequest Add of request SIG_AirBookRQ to add passengers information, passenger contact information, remarks and comments. If Step 2 was skipped the subrequest SelectedShopOption with the itinerary choice has to be included on this stage. The result of this step will be creation of PNR(Passenger Name Record of Booking File) with booked flights and fare quote in case of success, or error message. The BookingReference returned is unique ID for created PNR.

When PNR is created you can read it at any moment either within the same session or in sessionless request using received BookingReference in subrequest BookingIdentity

New Booking from availability

Flight search

Use request SIG_AirAvailRQ to search flights for desired trip - city pairs and departure dates are mandatory. The service will return SIG_AirAvailRS structure with list of flights and available fares. The reply will contain SessionID which has to be included in all subsequent requests.

Flight selection

You must choose the flights and fares(optional) using request SIG_AirAvailRQ with subrequest SelectedShopOptions - it will be stored within session, thus you'll be able to use it later.

Create PNR

Use subrequest Add of request SIG_AirBookRQ to add passengers information, passenger contact information, remarks and comments. NOTE: You shouldn't use the SelectedShopOption if you books by Flight search mode (SIG_AirAvailRQ). The result of this step will be creation of PNR(Passenger Name Record of Booking File) with booked flights and fare quote in case of success, or error message. The BookingReference returned is unique ID for created PNR.

When PNR is created you can read it at any moment either within the same session or in sessionless request using received BookingReference in subrequest BookingIdentity


Can be done at once - use subrequests BookingIdentity, Issue and Display of request SIG_AirBookRQ to issue tickets and display itinerary receipts.

Also possible to split the ticketing (as well as all other one-step tasks) on 2 or 3 steps (the same subrequest should be used) - in this case the SessionID returned by the 1st reply has to be used in subsequent requests.


Use subrequests BookingIdentity and Cancel of request SIG_AirBookRQ to void tickets (within the issue day), EMD and cancel segments.

Read PNR

Use subrequest BookingIdentity of request SIG_AirBookRQ to get all PNR data - passengers, flights, remarks etc.

Display itinerary receipt

To display itinerary receipt use subrequests BookingIdentity and Display of request SIG_AirBookRQ.


To make changes to the PNR use subrequests BookingIdentity and Modify of request SIG_AirBookRQ (Not all kind of modifacations are available for all CRS)

Transaction reference

SIG Web Service Transaction list
Low fare search
Exchange quote
implemented for 1A, 1S, 1H, 1M
Flights availability
Get min price
yes (not for all installations is available)
Create/retrieve/modify/ticket/cancel bookings
yes (modify implemented for all CRS but Navitaire-like systems (CRS=DP,1Б,1Ц)
implemented for 1A, 1S, SITA, 1H, 1M
Retrieve fare rule
Queue management
now implemented for all CRS but Navitaire-like systems (CRS=DP,1Б,1Ц)
Service management
now implemented for all CRS but Galileo (CRS=1G)
now implemented only for TAIS CRS
now implemented only for TAIS CRS
now implemented only for SITA


Allows to search low fares for any type on itinerary - one way, round trip, closed loop or open jaw. The search might be tuned using different kind of search parameters and filters.

For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

One way trip for one adult passenger

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1" To="mow" From="par" Date="2013-03-10"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>

Round trip for two adult passengers with child

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1a" To="mow" From="par" Date="2013-03-10"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1b" To="par" From="mow" Date="2013-03-17"/>
        <PaxType Count="2" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="CHD" PTRef="child"/>

Circle trip with direct flights only

Also used ignored AK list and promo code. The reply is limited by 10 options.

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="2a" To="mow" From="par" Date="2013-03-10"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="2b" To="fra" From="mow" Date="2013-03-17"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="2c" To="par" From="fra" Date="2013-03-21"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>
    <FlightPref Cabin="Business" IgnoredAirlines="BA AB" ConnectionPref="Direct"/>
    <FarePref PromoCode="REDFISH"/>
    <SearchOptions MaxResults="10"/>

Open jaw on LH and SU

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="3a" To="mow" From="par" Date="2013-03-10"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="3b" To="fra" From="mow" Date="2013-03-17"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="3c" To="lon" From="muc" Date="2013-03-21"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>
    <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="LH SU"/>
    <SearchOptions MaxResults="25"/>

One way for one child on desired flight

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="VKO" To="LED" Date="2013-03-26"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="CHD" PTRef="cnn0"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT489"/>

Roundtrip for one adult on desired flight and preferred cabin

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="mow" To="ovb" Date="2013-06-05"/>
                <OriginDestination ODRef="back02" From="ovb" To="mow" Date="2013-06-25"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="pax1"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="U6100 U699" Cabin="Business"/>

Flexible dates search on roundtrip for one adult on desired AK and preferred cabin

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="mow" To="ovb" Date="2013-06-05"/>
                <OriginDestination ODRef="back02" From="ovb" To="mow" Date="2013-06-25"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="pax1"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="U6" Cabin="Business"/>
        <SearchOptions FlexibleDates="3" MaxResults="25"/>

Roundtrip for two adult on desired flights for every segment and preferred booking code

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="mow" To="ovb" Date="2013-03-05">
                        <FlightPref RBD="R" DesiredAirlines="SU1306"/>
                <OriginDestination ODRef="back02" From="ovb" To="mow" Date="2013-03-25">
                        <FlightPref RBD="R" DesiredAirlines="SU1549"/>
                <PaxType Count="2" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="pax1"/>

Search by brands

Search by all brands

Search returns all options in every brand

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="mow" To="ovb" Date="2013-03-05"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="pax1"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT" byFareBrands="all">

Search by best brands

Search returns only one best option in every brand

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="01" From="mow" To="ovb" Date="2013-03-05"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="pax1"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT" byFareBrands="best">

Select an option from the shopping result

<SIG_AirShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
       <SelectedShopOption SessionID="6546598453546313" OptionRef="24">
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="431"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="433"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="436"/>


Route change quote

Mandatory elements for request are:

<SIG_AirReShopRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QORDYB/1S"/>
        <ItineraryChanges ExchangeType="Voluntary">
                <OriginDestination Date="2018-11-01" From="svx" ODRef="20" To="mow" FlightRefs="seg301"/>
                <OriginDestination Date="2018-11-08" From="mow" ODRef="10" To="svx" FlightRefs="seg302"/>
        <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="U6"/>

Passenger data change quote

Mandatory elements for request are:

<SIG_AirReShopRQ CustomerID="Biletix">

        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="С2НЛТН/1H" LeadPassenger="КОВАЛЬ"/>
        <NonItineraryChanges ExchangeType="Voluntary">
                                <Passenger PaxRef="pax12" DOB="1972-01-15" AgeType="ADT" PaxRef="pax12" Title="MR" LastName="HOVHANNISYAN" FirstName="SUREN" DocType="ZA" DocCountry="AM" DocNumber="AM0445251" DocExpiration="2018-02-06"/>
        <SearchOptions Currency="RUB"/>

Exchange quote reply

In a reply to SIG_AirReShopRQ request SIG will return SIG_AirShopRS. The differences from reply to SIG_AirShopRQ are:


Allows to check flights availability - one way and round trip. The search can run in two modes - displaying the flights and displaying the flight with fares (by default). Also it's possible to search the flight at some days onwards of specified day. The search might be tuned using different kind of search parameters and filters.

For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

One way trip for one adult passenger flights with fares

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1" From="par" To="mow" Date="2013-10-10"/>
        <PaxType PTRef="adt0" AgeCat="ADT" Count="1"/>

Round trip for two adult passengers with child only flights

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1a" From="par" To="mow" Date="2013-10-10"/>
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1b" From="mow" To="par" Date="2013-10-17"/>
        <PaxType Count="2" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="CHD" PTRef="child"/>
    <SearchOptions Mode="Flights"/>

One trip in business cabin with morning departure by SU

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <OriginDestination ODRef="1a" From="par" To="mow" Date="2013-10-10" MaxDepTime="12:00:00"/>
        <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="adt0"/>
    <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="SU" Cabin="Business"/>

Round trip for one adult on direct flights at two days onwards

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <OriginDestination ODRef="00" From="VKO" To="LED" Date="2013-10-26"/>
                <OriginDestination ODRef="11" From="LED" To="VKO" Date="2013-10-29"/>
                <PaxType Count="1" AgeCat="ADT" PTRef="cnn0"/>
        <FlightPref ConnectionPref="Direct"/>
        <SearchOptions ForwardDates="2"/>

Select flights from the availability result

Use SessionID returned by search mode of query

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="1234567890123456">
              <SelectedAvailOption ItineraryRef="1"/>
              <SelectedAvailOption ItineraryRef="5"/>

Select flights and fares from the availability result

Use SessionID returned by search mode of query

<SIG_AirAvailRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="1234567890123456">
              <SelectedAvailOption ItineraryRef="1" FareRef="11"/>
              <SelectedAvailOption ItineraryRef="5" FareRef="15"/>


Get min prices from cache to most popular destinations On reply message SIG_AirShopRS is being return. Not available on all SIG installations, contact SIG Team for details

Origin - departure point. The only mandatory attribute City - departure town.

Destination - arrival point. Must be set at least one attribute of:

TopByCount="100" - amount of most popular destinations.

City="PAR LON" - list of destination towns

Country="ES PT" - list of destination countries.

Dates - limitations by departure dates:

Start="2014-10-01" - first possible departure date - current date if not set.

End=""2014-11-01" - last possible departure date (non inclusive). No limitation if not set.

FarePref - fare preferences

Return=OW/RT. One way or round trip. Both if not set.

MinStay="7" - minimum stay - days (only for RT-prices). No limitation if not set.

MaxStay="14" - maximum stay - days (only for RT-prices). No limitation if not set.

Group - grouping mode (departure date interval is being split on periods and min price is being calculated by these periods).

By="Week" - weekly

By="Month" - monthly

if not set, one price for whole interval will be returned.

For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get 10 most popular destinations from Moscow from June 5 to June 16

<SIG_AirMinPriceRQ >
        <Origin City="MOW"/>
        <Destination TopByCount="10"/>
        <Dates Start="2016-06-05" End="2016-06-16"/>

Get minimum prices for flights from Moscow to London and Paris

<SIG_AirMinPriceRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <Origin City="MOW"/>
        <Destination Cities="LON PAR" TopByCount="100"/>
        <Dates Start="2014-12-01" End="2015-02-01"/>
        <FarePref Return="RT" MinStay="7" MaxStay="14"/>
        <Group By="Month"/>

Get minimum prices for flights from Novosibirsk to Italy and Spain

<SIG_AirMinPriceRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <Origin City="OVB"/>
        <Destination Countries="ES IT" TopByCount="25"/>
        <Dates Start="2014-12-01" End="2015-02-01"/>
        <FarePref Return="RT" MinStay="7" MaxStay="14"/>
        <Group By="Week"/>


Create/retrieve/modify/ticket/cancel booking (PNR)
For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Create PNR

Create PNR with one adult passenger with all passenger data

<SIG_AirBookRQ SessionID="" CustomerID="TestUser">
        <SelectedShopOption SessionID="6546598453546313" OptionRef="24">
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="431"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="433"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="436"/>
                        <Passenger AgeType="ADT" DOB="1967-08-13" PaxRef="1" Title="MR"
                                   LastName="Smirnov" FFPAccount="111111111" FFPAirline="SU"
                                   DocExpiration="2020-03-23" FirstName="Alexander" DocNumber="9876543210"/>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Home phone" ContactRef="1">79991112233</Contact>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Mobile phone" ContactRef="31">79991113344</Contact>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Address" ContactRef="4">Elm street 3</Contact>
                        <Comment  CommentRef="2">Booked by TrTravel Co #111111(ag.#333)</Comment>
                        <OSI OsiRef="3" FlightRef="0">TEXT</OSI>

Create PNR with one adult passenger with child - TL, segments, names and contact only

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

<SIG_AirBookRQ SessionID="" CustomerID="TestUser">
        <SelectedShopOption SessionID="6546598453546313" OptionRef="24">
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="431"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="433"/>
                <SelectedItinerary ItineraryRef="436"/>
                <GeneralInfo TimeLimit="2013-05-18T22:10:00+02:00"/>
                        <Passenger PaxRef="1" AgeType="ADT" Title="MR" LastName="Smirnov" FirstName="Alexander"/>
                        <Passenger PaxRef="chd1" AgeType="CHD" Title="MR" LastName="Smirnov" FirstName="Petr"/>
                        <Contact TypeOfContact="Mobile phone" ContactRef="31">79991113344</Contact>

If you create PNR after AirAvail, don't use SelectedShopOption element.

Retrieve PNR

Retrieve PNR

Attrubute LeadPassenger is mandatory only for PNRs created in Sirena2000 (BookingReference for such PNRs contains "/1H") If option RebookIfCancelled is equal "true", then itinerary will be rebooked if canceled (Sirena2000 specific)

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov">
                <Options RebookIfCancelled="true"/>

Retrieve PNR and confirm active objects

Retrieve PNR and confirm active segment(s) and Remark(s) (if any)

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <BookingIdentity BookingReference="VLH41/S7">
        <Options AutoConfirmation="true"/>

Display ticket data and itinerary receipt

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Display TicketData="true" ItineraryReceipts="true"/>

Find PNR by passenger name and flight data

Now implemented only for PNRs created in TAIS CRS and SITA (CRS is "1M" or "XS")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <RetrieveBooking Passenger="Pupkin" CRS="S7"  Airline="ЯК" Flight="121" Date="2013-09-16"/>

Modify PNR

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

Add remark into previously created PNR

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="V0Whr/S7" LeadPassenger="LADA"/>
                        <Remark RemarkRef="18" SSRCode="VGML" AAS="HK" Quantity="1" FlightRef="seg7" PaxRefs="pax2 pax4"></Remark>
                        <Remark RemarkRef="1" PaxRefs="pax2" SSRCode="PETC" Quantity="1" FlightRef="seg3" AAS="HK">CAT 3Kg OWN CONT 30X40X50</Remark>

Add service into previously created PNR

Now implemented only for PNRs created in Navitaire (BookingReference contains "/DP")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/DP"/>
                        <Remark RemarkRef="1" ServiceCode="0AT" ServiceType="F" FlightRef="seg7" PaxRefs="pax2"></Remark>

Add OSI into previously created PNR

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="V0Whr/S7" LeadPassenger="LADA"/>
                        <OSI OsiRef="1" FlightRef="seg2">TEXT</OSI>
                        <OSI OsiRef="2" FlightRef="seg3">TEXT</OSI>

Append segments into previously created PNR

        <SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <BookingIdentity BookingReference="VE89K/S7"/>
                                <FlightSegment Airline="S7" Flight="179" Date="2013-10-15">
                                        <Departure Airport="DME" Time="2013-10-15T11:15:00+04:00"/>
                                        <Arrival Airport="OVB" Time="2013-10-15T18:15:00+07:00"/>
                                                <Reservation RBD="R" AAS="NN"/>
                                <FlightSegment Airline="S7" Flight="129" Date="2013-10-16">
                                        <Departure Airport="DME" Time="2013-10-16T11:15:00+04:00"/>
                                        <Arrival Airport="OVB" Time="2013-10-16T18:15:00+07:00"/>
                                                <Reservation RBD="R" AAS="NN"/>

Modify passenger doc and contact data in existing PNR

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
                        <Passenger PaxRef="1" AgeType="ADT" Title="MR" LastName="Smirnov" FirstName="Alexander" DocNumber="2222222222"/>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Mobile phone" ContactRef="31">79991113344</Contact>

Add, modify and cancel some elements of PNR in one request - contacts, comments, remarks, OSI, passenger data, TL

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="DMM8UV/1M"/>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Home phone" ContactRef="1">79991112233</Contact>
                        <Remark RemarkRef="18" SSRCode="XBAG" AAS="HK" Quantity="1" FlightRef="seg2" PaxRefs="pax1">10KG 10x10x10</Remark>
                        <Comment  CommentRef="2">Booked by TrTravel Co #111111(ag.#333)</Comment>
                        <OSI OsiRef="20" FlightRef="seg2">TEXT</Remark>
                <GeneralInfo TimeLimit="2013-03-21T22:10:00+02:00"/>
                        <Passenger AgeType="ADT" PaxRef="pax1" Title="MR" DOB="1960-08-13"
                                  LastName="Smirnov" FirstName="Alexey"
                                DocExpiration="2017-08-13" DocNumber="123456788" DocCountry="RU"/>
                        <Contact  TypeOfContact="Mobile phone" ContactRef="14">44491113344</Contact>
        <Cancel>ct17 ctc16 ctc15 ctc14 cmt9 ssr47 ssr48 osi51 osi55</Cancel>

Divide PNR

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/S7" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Divide PaxRefs="paxadt01 paxchd04"/>

Returns new PNR with divided passengers or error.

Cancel some elements - contacts, comments, remarks, OSI

Node Cancel contains list or references on objects to cancel.

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Cancel>ct17 ctc16 cmt9 ssr47 ssr48 osi50 osi55</Cancel>


Cancel entire itinerary

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Cancel Itinerary="true"/>

Void tickets

Void all tickets issued for PNR

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Cancel Tickets="true"/>

Void tickets and cancel itinerary

Void all tickets issued for PNR and cancel entire itinerary.

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Cancel Itinerary="true" Tickets="true"/>

Void tickets for selected passenger(s)

Void tickets only for selected passenger(s)

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="T25R9/S7"/>
        <Cancel Tickets="true">tkt458753 tkt524291</Cancel>

Void EMD

Void selected EMD

Now implemented only for PNRs created in Navitaire (BookingReference contains "/DP")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/DP" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
        <Cancel EMD="true">emd6160032592</Cancel>


Cancel one segment only

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>


Issue ticket

If SIG returns an error on Issue ticket request or does not reply within timeout period (not less than 90 seconds) the client should re-read the PNR to get its actual status, since it could be sold or part sold.

Issue tickets for whole itinerary for all passengers in PNR with cash form of payment and display plain-text itinerary receipt

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
                <Payment Currency="RUB" Amount="10000.0" FOP="Cash"/>

Issue tickets for whole itinerary for all passengers in PNR with Credit Card form of payment and display plain-text itinerary receipt

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov"/>
                <Payment Currency="RUB" Amount="23006.0" FOP="Credit card">
                        <CreditCard AccountNumber="11xxxxxxxx44" ApprovalCode="AsdfASDf23rA" ExpirationDate="2014-12" CardHolder="Petrov Alexey" PaymentSystem="VI"/>

Issue tickets for whole itinerary for one passenger

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

        <SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <BookingIdentity BookingReference="VE89K/S7"/>
                                <TicketMod TicketRefs="tkt589825"/>

Issue tickets for segments 1-4 for one passenger with tour code, endorsement, manual fare

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

        <SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <BookingIdentity BookingReference="VE89K/S7"/>
                                <TicketMod TicketRefs="tkt589825">
                                                <Payment Amount="26235" FOP="Invoice" Currency="RUB">
                                                        <Invoice InvoiceNumber="RQWUB"/>
                                                        <FlightSegmentDetails SegmentNumber="1" ReservationRefs="0" FareBasis="NPORT"/>
                                                        <FlightSegmentDetails SegmentNumber="2" ReservationRefs="1" FareBasis="OPORT"/>
                                                        <FlightSegmentDetails SegmentNumber="3" ReservationRefs="2" FareBasis="QPORT"/>
                                                        <FlightSegmentDetails SegmentNumber="4" ReservationRefs="3" FareBasis="NPORT"/>
                                                <Price Total="26235.00" Currency="RUB" BaseFare="459" BaseCurrency="EUR" EquivFare="19050.00" Taxes="7185.00"/>
                                                <FareCalc>mow s7 x/ovb s7 yks7050s7 mow7850rub14900end</FareCalc>
                                                        <Tax TicketCode="AT" Amount="320.00"/>
                                                        <Tax TicketCode="QD" Amount="291.00"/>
                                                        <Tax TicketCode="YR" Amount="5826.00"/>
                                                        <Tax TicketCode="ZY" Amount="748.00"/>

Issue tickets for all segments for each passenger separately with different endorsements and payment types

Now implemented only for PNRs created in SITA (CRS="XS")

        <SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <BookingIdentity BookingReference="VNGGZ/S7"/>
                                <TicketMod TicketRefs="tkt458754">
                                        <Endorsement>PSP 1212121212</Endorsement>
                                                <Payment Amount="19400" Currency="RUB" FOP="Cash"/>
                                <TicketMod TicketRefs="tkt524289">
                                                <Payment Amount="9700" Currency="RUB" FOP="Invoice">
                                                        <Invoice AgreementNumber="GAZMYAS"/>
                                <TicketMod TicketRefs="tkt589827">
                                                <Payment Amount="0.00" Currency="RUB" FOP="Cash"/>

Issue EMD

Issue EMDs for whole unpaid services for all passengers in PNR with cash form of payment and display plain-text itinerary receipt

Implemented for all CRS but Galileo ( PNRs BookingReference contains "/1G")

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QS4HDG/DP"/>
        <Issue DocType="EMD">
                <Payment Currency="RUB" Amount="2000.0" FOP="Cash"/>


Voluntary exchange



<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QORDYB/1S"/>
        <EOT Action="Continue"/>
                        <FlightSegment FlightRef="0" Airline="U6" Flight="280" Date="2018-02-16">
                                <Departure Airport="SVX" City="SVX" Time="2018-02-10T15:00:00+03:00"/>
                                <Arrival Airport="DME" City="MOW" Time="2018-02-10T17:15:00+03:00"/>
                                        <Reservation RBD="Q"/>
        <PriceItinerary PriceExchange="true" ExchangeType="Voluntary">
                <Payment FOP="Cash" FOPExt=""/>
<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="1811151056782593815">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QORDYB/1S"/>
        <EOT Action="Ignore"/>
<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="18111314301674472854">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="QORDYB/1S"/>
                <Payment FOP="Cash" Amount="60.00" Currency="EUR"/>

Involuntary exchange

Involuntary exchange starts from step 2 with attribute ExchangeType="Involuntary", without shopping request SIG_AirReShop. Using of Add element with data of new segment(s) and Cancel element with cancelled segment(s) references is optional, since for involuntary exchange segments often are already automatically changed by vendor. In this case before exchange start, if necessary, client application should confirm segment(s) using attribute AutoConfirmation="true" on booking file read request.

<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="DJOXSG/1S" LeadPassenger="ZELENOVA"/>
        <PriceItinerary PriceExchange="true" ExchangeType="Involuntary">
                <Payment FOP="Cash"/>
<SIG_AirBookRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="">
        <BookingIdentity BookingReference="DJOXSG/1S" LeadPassenger="ZELENOVA"/>
                <Payment FOP="Cash" Amount="0" Currency="RUB"/>


Retrieve fare rules
For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Request rules - all categories

<SIG_AirFareRulesRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
                <RuleKey>00010101YNNNNNYNDME  FRA  20130115OS KBUYRU    0008425NUC200084250000D9E40015F0F7YYNNNNNNNNNYNNNN EH          07000000000000000               OS       N   RU07004600064  </RuleKey>
                <RuleKey>00010102YNNNNNYNFRA  DME  20130129LH LNN10NW3  0010235NUC200102350000F1F00015C5E4YYNNNNNNNNNYNNNN EH          07000000000000000               LH       N   10EU0040001    </RuleKey>


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Queue status request

<SIG_QueueRQ CustomerID="TestUser">

Queue status reply

         <SIG_QueueRS CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="13040918471762978607" ProcessingTime="00:00:01.262736">
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" QueueSize="6" EventType="ИЗМ РАСП"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="12" QueueSize="6" EventType="ГОРЯЩ АВТ"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="70" QueueSize="73" EventType="ИНТЕРНЕТ"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="78" QueueSize="22" EventType="ПРОДАЖА ЭБ"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="80" QueueSize="5" EventType="НАГРАДНОЙ БИЛЕТ"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" QueueSize="87" EventType="РУЧН. SSR"/>

Queue items request

<SIG_QueueRQ CustomerID="TestUser">

Queue items reply

         <SIG_QueueRS CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="1304091835992863539" ProcessingTime="00:00:01.138000">
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfCNMTNOg" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07В4ДН/1H" LeadPassenger="PRIMER/ONE"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfCyzbYOg" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07ВЛ6Ш/1H" LeadPassenger="GAGARIN/IURII"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfCyzc1Og" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07ВЛ75/1H" LeadPassenger="GAGARIN/IURII"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfCyzfUOg" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07ВЛ7Ф/1H" LeadPassenger="СЕРГЕЕВ/АЛЕКСАНДР"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfCy8I3Og" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07ВЛВ7/1H" LeadPassenger="PAROKHODOV/BORIS"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzrSys86MDfDzdHWOg" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="7" BookingReference="07ГНСЦ/1H" LeadPassenger="PAROKHODOV/BORIS"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTI60srPOjA3xDbLxDo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="12" BookingReference="07Д6ЛД/1H" LeadPassenger="PROBNY/ONE"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTI60srPOjA3xMI2MTo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="12" BookingReference="07ДВ61/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV/IVAN"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTI60srPOjA3xMI2Njo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="12" BookingReference="07ДВ66/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV/IVAN"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzA60srPOjA3NcLKMzo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="70" BookingReference="075ВК3/1H" LeadPassenger="PROBNY/ONE"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzA60srPOjA3Ncs2zzo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="70" BookingReference="075Л6П/1H" LeadPassenger="TEST/ONE"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6NzA60srPOjA3NcvPNzo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="70" BookingReference="075ЛП7/1H" LeadPassenger="TEST/ONE"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNTI6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="07ДВ52/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV/IVAN"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNTY6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="07ДВ56/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV/IVAN"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNcI6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="07ДВ5В/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV/IVAN"/>

Request Queue counts and items from two queues only

<SIG_QueueRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <GetItems>KK TL</GetItems>

Queue items(s) remove request

<SIG_QueueRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <RemoveItems>MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjY6 MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjE6 MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6Nzg60srPOjA3w8rDwzo asdfsafsafd</RemoveItems>

Queue items(s) remove reply

         <SIG_QueueRS CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="F00001" ProcessingTime="00:00:08.770980">
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjY6" Result="SUCCESS"/>
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjE6" Result="FAIL">ВНУТРЕННЯЯ ОШИБКА ПРОГРАММЫ</ItemResult>
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6Nzg60srPOjA3w8rDwzo" Result="FAIL">ВНУТРЕННЯЯ ОШИБКА ПРОГРАММЫ</ItemResult>

Queue management combined request

<SIG_QueueRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
        <RemoveItems>MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjY6 MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjE6 MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6Nzg60srPOjA3w8rDwzo asdfsafsafd</RemoveItems>

Queue management combined reply

         <SIG_QueueRS CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="F00001" ProcessingTime="00:00:08.770980">
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" QueueSize="5" EventType="ТЛИМИТ АВТ"/>
               <QueueInfo CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" QueueSize="3" EventType="РУЧН. SSR"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTA60srPOsrSMsHNNDo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" BookingReference="КТ2БН4/1H" LeadPassenger="ЩЕГОЛЕВА/ВИКТОРИЯ"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTA60srPOsrSOTg50jo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" BookingReference="КТ989Т/1H" LeadPassenger="ОСОЛОДКИН/ВЛАДИМИР"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTA60srPOsrSyjHEODo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" BookingReference="КТК1Д8/1H" LeadPassenger="BESPALOVA/LUDMILA"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTA60srPOsrS1cLGzDo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" BookingReference="КТХВЖМ/1H" LeadPassenger="ВАГИНА/ЛЮДМИЛА"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTA60srPOsrS1so20jo" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="10" BookingReference="КТЦК6Т/1H" LeadPassenger="МУХТОРОВ/МУСЛИМ"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzrK0tbKNtI6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="КТЦК6Т/1H" LeadPassenger="МУХТАРОВА/РЕЗЕДА"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzrK1DMxM9Y6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="КФ313Ц/1H" LeadPassenger="ПОГРЕБНЯК/АРСЕНИЙ"/>
               <QueueItem QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzrK1DPQw9I6" CRS="1H" QueueNumber="111" BookingReference="КФ3РГТ/1H" LeadPassenger="RAKHMIDINOV/ABDULVOSID"/>
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjY6" Result="SUCCESS"/>
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6MTExOtLKzzowN8TCNjE6" Result="FAIL">ВНУТРЕННЯЯ ОШИБКА ПРОГРАММЫ</ItemResult>
               <ItemResult QueueItemRef="MUglZ3JzcHJveHk6Nzg60srPOjA3w8rDwzo" Result="SUCCESS"/>


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get available services for selected search option

<SIG_AirServicesRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="160824145331644">

Get available services for previously created PNR

<SIG_AirServicesRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="">
  <BookingIdentity BookingReference="PTHQNM/DP"/>


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get available routes for selected airline

<SIG_AirRoutesRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
  <FlightPref Airline="UT"/>


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get schedule for selected airline

<SIG_AirScheduleRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <OriginDestination ODRef="0" From="MOW" To="LED" MinDepDate="2017-03-13" MaxDepDate="2017-03-15"/>
    <OriginDestination ODRef="1" From="LED" To="MOW" MinDepDate="2017-03-23" MaxDepDate="2017-03-25"/>
  <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT"/>

Get schedule for selected airline and flight number

<SIG_AirScheduleRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <OriginDestination ODRef="0" From="MOW" To="LED" MinDepDate="2017-03-13" MaxDepDate="2017-03-15" MinDepTime="08:00:00+03:00" MaxDepTime="14:00:00+03:00"/>
  <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT" FlightNumber="359"/>

Get schedule for selected airline with direct flights only

<SIG_AirScheduleRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <OriginDestination ODRef="0" From="MOW" To="LED" MinDepDate="2017-03-13" MaxDepDate="2017-03-15"/>
    <OriginDestination ODRef="1" From="LED" To="MOW" MinDepDate="2017-03-23" MaxDepDate="2017-03-25"/>
  <FlightPref DesiredAirlines="UT" ConnectionPrefs="Direct"/>


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get ticket info

<SIG_AirTicketRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
     <Ticket Action="Display" TicketNumber="2982410805778" BookingReference="0007НК/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV"/>
     <Ticket Action="Display" TicketNumber="2982410805777" BookingReference="0007НК/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV"/>


Involuntary refund

<SIG_AirTicketRQ CustomerID="TestUser"><TicketInfo>  <Ticket Action="Refund" TicketNumber="5559120782336" BookingReference="IEPIDD/1S" LeadPassenger="">    <RefundData RefundType="Involuntary">    </RefundData>  </Ticket>  </TicketInfo></SIG_AirTicketRQ>

Voluntary refund

If booking file exists and refund is being made not for all passengers in PNR then passengers who demand refund should be divided to another PNR first. Seats should be cancelled before refund.

Quote refund
<SIG_AirTicketRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <Ticket Action="QuoteRefund" TicketNumber="2982410805777" BookingReference="0007НК/1H" LeadPassenger="IVANOV">
      <RefundData RefundType="Voluntary"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SIG_AirTicketRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <Ticket Action="Refund"
      <RefundData RefundType="Voluntary">
        <Price Total="28526.00"
          <FOPItem Currency="RUB"


<SIG_AirTicketRQ CustomerID="TestUser">
    <Ticket Action="Void" TicketNumber="2982410805777" BookingReference="0007НК/1H" LeadPassenger="Ivanov">


For detailed description see SIG Web Service data types definition and check latest WSDL at SIG Web Service Definition

Get price options

<SIG_AirPriceRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="">
  <BookingIdentity BookingReference="ABCDE/S7" LeadPassenger=""/>

Select an option from the pricing result

<SIG_AirPriceRQ CustomerID="TestUser" SessionID="171108111519406">
  <BookingIdentity BookingReference="ABCDE/S7" LeadPassenger=""/>
  <PriceOption OptionRef="2"/>